Monday, July 21, 2014

My Ultimate Craft Project

Tomorrow starts my:

This ultimate life craft project includes up-cycling this 35 year old mama.  I need it, I want it.  My goal is to be a better person, wife, mother, sister, and friend.

My plan of action is to think of getting into better shape physically and mentally by using the comfortable environment of crafting.  I've thought about this for quite awhile on how to go about this.  If I view myself as the ultimate craft project, it's bound to work right?

Yah, I'm probably going to have a screw-up.  Piece together different things and get crazy with my design.  I'll burn myself, start over, and come out looking better than the original plan but in the long run it'll be worth it.

I recently had a wonderful craft weekend (as they always are).  Most of the ladies quilt.  They have pieces they put together, pieces they take apart, pieces that are frustrating, sometimes completely upside down and pieces that just click and are perfectly complementary.  Once they are done they are the most beautiful projects and they have fantastic stories to go along with them.  Meaningful stories that give that finished product so much character and value.

I was talking to I do all the time.  After-all, I give myself the best advice ;)  So I told myself I was a craft project.  It makes perfect sense to me.  

My mind is like my craft room.....unfinished, messy, unorganized, full to capacity, and I'm always trying to stuff more in.  Swirly and confusing.  An --Alice in the Rabbit Hole-- except it doesn't end.

See ya later, maybe, if I find the bottom.....

My body is exactly like one of my unfinished crafts.  It get's pushed aside because of my narrow focus of wanting to see the end product now.  I am so impatient.  SO IMPATIENT.  Each plan I get to work carb. diets, fad diets, supplement diets, exercise programs, they end up in a burning pile of ashes after week 1.

I've allowed myself to take baby steps.  Little goals and see little improvement rather than big goals and see no improvement which I'm a proven burn out doing.

I love sounds do-able.  And I need to lose over 100 lbs but baby steps. 

Day one starts tomorrow!  Bright and early with a schedule to follow.  Wish me luck :)

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